Heafford Junction
Lake Nokomis Wisconsin

"Southwestern Oneida County, located on the south shore of Lake Nokomis and along U.S. Highway #51. From Vol. 93 of Deeds, the description is as follows:
"All that part of SE1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 34, T36N R6E lying South of Big Rice Creek, not overflowed by water raised by a dam across Tomahawk River in Sections 4 and 9 T35N R6E to a height of 32.5 ft above the rollway of the Tomahawk Land and Boom Company's dam in Sec. 10 T34N R6E; Excepting and reserving to the grantor a strip of land 30 ft. wide at all points and contiguous to and extending entirely along the boundaries of the flowage created by said dam.
"Also excepting and reserving to the grantor, all that portion of the said description lying next to the creek and north of the northerly east and west ravine, used as a borrow pit."

John and Josephine Gintowt

Pleasant Point Resort "Spittin' Johns" was purchased by Pioneers John and Josephine Gintowt July 7, 1924 and remained in the same ownership until 1974. After World War 1 ended, the two headed north from Chicago to homestead the resort land, which they developed gradually from the construction of the dwelling, tavern and two cabins around 1925. By 1974, there were 7 cabins in all, a garage, a storage building (a former ice house), the main dwelling and tavern. The resort had a good clientele and was a well known and successful enterprise. Josephine preceded John in death, approximately 1971 and John died in 1974. At that time, the property was bequeathed to John's niece Marian H. Dunne-Biers until it was sold in approximately 1979.

John B. Gintowt


Josephine Gintowt

John and Josephine Gintowt

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting. I have fond memories of vacations at Spittin’ John’s with my parents, maternal grandparents brother and two sisters. Beautiful lake with fishing, swimming and boating. The smell of the pines was the best. Enjoyed playing Michigan Rummy with family evenings on the porch after a day at the beach. Visitors wrote their experiences inside the bedroom wardrobe cabinets. I found my great grandmother Millie Scheldrup Jacobsen’s writings from one previous summer.
    Known by all as "Spittin' John's" Resort, as John was a fixture tending bar in tavern, chewing tobacco and constantly spitting. Nobody called it "Pleasant Point”.
    John and Josie were great folks, and "Spittin' John's beats Disney World any day. I was Interested in reading how they bought the place as a young couple back in the '20's, and seeing the photos. Would enjoy reading any comments others may have. Mike Nelson-Madison WI and Oak Park IL
